Quitting Cocaine: Withdrawal and Treatment

The dangers and effects of Cocaine on your own: What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a strongly addictive energizing drug that is made from the leaves of the coca plant that is indigenous to South America. Though medial health care providers use it for lawful medical purposes, like for local anesthesia or some surgeries, cocaine is a prohibited drug. When obtained as a street drug, cocaine is a fine, white, crystal powder. Dealers frequently mix it with other components such as cornstarch, talcum powder, and flour to rise their earnings. It has also been known to be mixed it with other drugs like the stimulant amphetamine. Seeking help in quitting cocaine habits, is the best thing you can do for yourself or a loved one.

Some of the street names for cocaine are:

  • Coke
  • Snow
  • Rock
  • Blow
  • Crack

Some of the short-term effects of cocaine can be:

  • Extreme energy or feelings of happiness
  • Mental alertness
  • Highly sensitive to sight, touch and to sound
  • Irritability
  • Extreme, unreasonable distrust of others, Paranoia
  • Constricted blood vessels
  • Tremors and muscle twitches
  • Constricted blood vessels
  • Raised body temperature
  • High blood pressure

Today is a good day for quitting cocaine. Just knowing some of the effects alone, should be a reason not to abuse cocaine. Not to mention the negative impacts to your life and loved ones. Cocaine is an amazingly effectual stimulant; the withdrawal symptoms can begin only hours after discontinuing cocaine use.

What are some of the symptoms that occur with cocaine withdrawal? Symptoms can include agitation, increased appetite, very vivid dreams or nightmares. These serious symptoms can resolve themselves within one to two weeks from the last use, some of the other symptoms may remain. For instance, cocaine cravings can continue for the rest of a person's life. As well as additional psychological withdrawal symptoms from the use of cocaine can last for years. Putting a precise cocaine withdrawal timeline is difficult.

Quitting cocaine may not be easy, but the rewards are immense. How long does cocaine withdrawal last, is a question that should take a back seat to, I need help for my addiction.

Cocaine withdrawal timeline symptoms vary, it is difficult to put a specific timeline to it. Everyone is different, so it is different for each individual. Symptoms such as depression and the cravings, have been known to last for months following the last use of cocaine. These symptoms become stronger after ceasing from the drug for a lengthy period of time. This being the utmost difficult part of the cocaine withdrawals, since cravings as well as depression cause you to want to return to using cocaine even months after quitting cocaine using. Making this, extremely important to look for a long-term treatment program for cocaine addiction and abuse. So, as afore mentioned, there is no definitive cocaine withdrawal timeline. How long does cocaine withdrawal last, should not be the imperative question. The most important question should be: how and where do I get help to stop my cocaine abuse problem.

Since numerous addictions are established in previous problems such as a childhood trauma or depression, a mental health professional help assist people deal with issues and cocaine withdrawal symptoms. Looking for help from trained professionals will increase your likelihood of a successful recovery from cocaine abuse. Overpowering addiction is a grave task and does not need to be accomplished alone. Join a support group such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) to keep you on track and help you find a sense of "community" with like-minded people. Why not find the help you need in quitting cocaine? Don't unnecessarily put it off any longer.






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